Friday, May 26, 2017

Lead Story: Lindo Jong's Escape

Last night, Lindo Jong had an exclusive one on one interview with “The Chinese Diaries” about her experiences in the Huang’s family household and how she was able to leave the arranged marriage set for her at age two by a village matchmaker. “An earth horse for an earth sheep.  This is the best marriage combination” claimed the village matchmaker believing that Lindo Jong and Tyan-Yu Huang were perfect for eachother but as told by Jong, it was horrible.

When Lindo Jong’s family home recently got destroyed by natural causes, the family became bankrupt. This caused the whole Jong family except for Lindo to go to Wushi. “I was told my mother why can’t I go with you guys, why do I have to stay with the Huangs?” She told me that, “Since I was 12 years old already I was old enough to go live with the Huangs.” The Huangs were to be Lindo’s second family since she was marrying Tyan-Yu Huang, because they were arranged by the village matchmaker at age 2 making a whole life commitment of being together . When Lindo was dropped off to the Huangs household she didn’t immediately expect to be treated like a servant, but she was. “Once I enter the house they immediately sent me to the kitchen where the servants were held at making me realize where my position was in this house,” said Lindo Jong. Throughout the 3 years before she officially got married with Tyan-Yu Huang, she stated, “Huang Taitai would always give me harsh criticism and orders that I had to follow making me be a good wife, she would make me clean, cook and sew all the time! So that I could be an obedient  wife to her son. I wanted to speak back  but I knew that if I would say a harsh word to Ms.Huang that would be a disgrace to my family so I just followed them”. When it was Lindo Jong’s and Tyan-yu Huang's wedding day , it wasn’t like every ordinary sunny, happy day in their wedding day it was rainy and very cloudy making people not come to the wedding since people believed that the rain were bombs, as the Japanese had previously invaded the region. But that didn’t stop their wedding day.

Lindo decided to end this marriage by to pretend to have a dream that was able to make Huang Taitai realize that the marriage was a horrible mistake not only to Lindo but to the whole Huang family. Jong came up with the idea to say to Taitai that, “They knew that you would not believe me, because they know I do not want to leave the comforts of my marriage. So our ancestors said they would plant the signs, to show our marriage is now rotting. At first Huang Taitai did not believe what Jong said as it was nonsense to her but she started believing Lindo when she pointed the signs of what the ancestors had said to her in her “dream”, like the spot on Tyan-yu back, which was supposedly killing him and Lindo’s teeth falling out due to her not “protesting leaving this marriage”, and about how Tyan had planted a seed on the servant girl.  All these signs Huang Taitai looked at began to worry her, so Huang Taitai decided to call the off marriage. It was basically like getting a divorce, but only if Lindo Jong was to keep the marriage a secret.

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